FSPCA PCQI Training Version2.0

PCQI (Preventive Controls Qualified Individual) Training course offered by BD Food Safety Consultants is a 2,75 day (22 hours) FSPCA curriculum recognized by FDA. Course format includes 3 elements – 1. Background Information on food safety, 2. Food Safety Plan development and 3. Regulation overview.

Here at BD Food Safety Consultants, LLC, we have an experienced and dedicated team of lead instructors that provide best in class PCQI training and help learners understand what are preventive controls and how to properly implement them at a plant level. Group exercises and discussion during training course add value to overall learning experience.

Preventive Controls for Human Food Regulation requires that businesses that manufacture, process, pack or hold food have a PCQI available. PCQI is responsible for development, implementation and maintenance of a Food Safety Plan within the Food Safety System and all activities associated with this task, i.e. records review, verification, validation and, reanalysis and more. This course is the best way to become PCQI

PCQI training is available in classroom and online live format via zoom. Read content below to learn more about FSPCA PCQI course and what it includes.

For more information on our Chicago, and Online Live FSPCA PCQI courses or if you have any questions pertaining to our food safety consulting services, give us a call today at 815-641-6404. You can also reach us by completing the contact form located on this page and we will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible. Choose BD Food Safety Consultants LLC. Our Lead Instructors are recognized! 

Bart Dobek was recognized for training 1000 or more participants, cumulatively in the four FSPCA training curricula with FSPCA certificates issued. This recognition was presented at the 2024 FSPCA Annual Conference on November 19th 2024. Bart also received recognition as one of the Top 10 2024 FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food Lead Instructors and FSPCA Foreign Supplier Verification Program Lead Instructors. 

In addition to being FSPCA Lead Instructors we are accredited HACCP Instructors through International HACCP Alliance and over the years collectively trained thousands more of food safety professionals. 

What does FSPCA PCQI Training Consist of?

FSPCA is a broad-based public and private alliance with the goal to support and promote safe food production by utilizing a core curriculum, training, and outreach programs. All of our FSPCA PCQI Training programs are registered with the FSPCA. FSPCA’s PCQI Training Curriculum is recognized by FDA as adequate to meet regulatory requirements and is the best way to become Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (21 CFR 117.180).

FSPCA PCQI Training is a required course for all individuals that manage the food safety systems and methods at their business or place of employment. Taking this training course is the best way to prepare yourself for compliance with FSMA (Food Safety Modernization Act) Preventive Controls Rule and to become Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI). Having the proper training will not only keep you in compliance with the FDA, but it will also teach you the mechanisms of developing, implementing and maintaining the Food Safety System .

At BD Food Safety Consultants LLC, we hold FSPCA courses in Illinois at our PCQI training location in Naperville, as well as interactive Online Live Courses via Zoom. Take a look at our PCQI Training page to get more information on the dates of future training courses so you can get certified and implement proper food safety system at your business.

Course agenda includes the following:

Day 1 8:00 am – 5:00 pm CST

Chapter 1 Introduction to Course and Preventive Controls

Chapter 2 Food Safety Plan Overview

Chapter 3 Good Manufacturing Practices and Other Prerequisite Programs

Chapter 4 Biological Food Safety Hazards

Chapter 5 Chemical, Physical and Economically Motivated Food Safety Hazards

Chapter 6 Preliminary Steps in Developing a Food Safety

Chapter 7 Plan Resources for Preparing Food Safety Plans

Day 2 8:00 am – 5:00 pm CST

Chapter 8 Hazard Analysis and Preventive Controls Determination

Chapter 9 Process Preventive Controls

Chapter 10 Food Allergen Preventive Controls

Chapter 11 Sanitation Preventive Controls

Chapter 12 Supply-chain Preventive Controls

Day 3 – 8:00 am – 2:00 pm CST 

Chapter 13 Verification and Validation Procedures

Chapter 14 Record-keeping Procedures

Chapter 15 Recall Plan

Chapter 16 Regulation Overview – cGMP, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food

All course times include 1 hour lunch break. Short bathroom breaks are provided throughout the day.

FSPCA PCQI Training with BD Food Safety Consultants LLC

To learn more information about FSPCA PCQI training in Chicago, and Online or if you have any questions about our other training courses, call us at 815-641-6404 today. Or simply fill out the contact form on this page and we will get back to you shortly.

Course Times and Locations

Course Times: 2.75 Days Course. Course starts at 8:00 am CST on all 3 Days and ends at 5:00 pm CST on Days 1 & 2, and at 2:00 pm CST on Day 3. 

Locations: BD Training Center in Chicagoland – 600 W 5th Ave, Suite B, Naperville, IL 60563 or Online Live via Zoom. Audio and Video connectivity is required in online live courses. 

Contact us about PCQI Training Course

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